Saturday, September 28, 2013

Getting Ready for Baby - Assembling the Pack N' Play Bassinet

 Looking good so far
 Deciphering the 'Instructions'

Booby-trapping the bassinet to deter and train Circus not to go inside

Monday, September 23, 2013

Under the Kitchen Sink

 I completed a little upgrade project in the kitchen recently.  It basically just involved some sanding and a few fresh coats of paint, but wow did it make a difference.  That is one of the after pictures you see above, I know it doesn't look like anything special, but just wait until you see the before picture....
 Yes, we were hiding this under the kitchen sink!  It was pretty bad when we moved in and I couldn't stand it any more so I finally took a few hours to do something about it.  And I'm so glad I did.
 It went from this...
To this - much more clean and sparkly.
I'm not afraid to open the cupboard door anymore :)

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Getting Ready for Baby

 After having our baby shower and spending our lovely gift cards, we have finally amassed a stock pile of baby stuff.  We are feeling somewhat prepared now, at least in terms of having most of the 'equipment' ready.  I'd like to say thank you to everyone for all of your generous gifts! We are very lucky to have had some assistance in this area and we greatly appreciate it. These pictures show what we have been given and what we have purchased with our gift cards, I get all warm and fuzzy just looking at all of this cute stuff!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Baby Stuff

 We are so lucky that we have relatives who are willing to share their baby stuff with us.  Luke's brother and his wife generously offered to send us a whole bunch of equipment, clothes and toys.  We went over to their house while we were in Ontario and got to do some 'shopping'.  
 We had a wonderful time, and it made me realize just how much 'stuff' you can accumulate while preparing for a new baby.  We also had some lessons in how to use the stroller, car seat and carrier, which was greatly appreciated.
 Thank you so much Khoa and Jakub, we will cherish your hand-me-downs and can't wait to see our little one using all of your families items.